Sunday, April 11, 2010

Love in the time of inflation

I decided to go on a fruit diet again.So I went to near by spencers and picked half kilo pack of black grapes and Lays for dinner.

I gave it to the lady at bill counter.There was some problem with billing machine and I decided to wait at the same counter till it got fixed.Somewhere in the process I started thinking about LOVE , how people change after falling in love and why people like me dont fall in love .In the background I heard a voice saying 200 ma'am.I thought it was not me and continued thinking.The voice said 'ma'am 200' again.Yeah she was quoting my bill.

I was about to pay the 200,then it struck me that i took only grapes.How on earth would that come to 200!!.She handed over the bill to me ,I was shell shocked to see the grapes cost Rs:189 and asked her revert the bill.She said 'mudiyaadu madam'.I told her I am allergic to grapes and I was preoccupied when picking them.It dint work.I had no other go, but pay for my dear Grapes :(

But seriously in which world did grapes cost 380 a kilo?! Oh wait! Are they imported from moon by any chance?Do they turn humans immortal? Am I going to turn into a super woman after eating them?! Or are they going burn all the bad cholesterol in my body?!

One or more of the above things should be turn out true for me to get my money's worth!
As they say one should think of only +ve side of things.So next time dont be surprised if you see me flying directly to my office in 12th floor :P

Humans are propagating transverse waves.
Amplitude of the wave is weirdness of a person.

When the wavelengths of two waves match and they meet in phase.There would be a constructive superposition(CS) that radiates positive energy which effects the time-space coordinate system causing their souls to become one.

CS results in a single wave with increased amplitude.This is why people in love act weird(Doesn't wave theory simplify things ;))

Now coming to the part why I cant fall in love.Long Long ago So long ago I hit a dead end and reflected.The forward wave superimposed with the reflected one and resulted in a standing wave.Doesn't this explain why I am so stuck in life :P

Ahaa!Wave theory does explain a lot of things that happen in this world!
Now that I have bored everyone to death!I can go have my 190 rs grapes for dinner.

P.S:Looks like I have to postpone my diet plans AGAIN.The boss is going to throw us a party on 16th because we moved him with our sincerity and dedication working both on sat and sun.We are his beautiful roses(Manoj Bajpai's dialogue from a Telugu movie 'Happy') in thorns called issues.On a serious note 'My boss rocks'!

Ok !I am gonna stop now and have grapes..Wish me luck with turning in to superwoman part :P

P.P.S:Btw people who came here looking for a heart touching love story,Here is an advice 'Dont judge a post by its title' *Wink*


  1. Since when did Lays get categorized under fruit? :D
    And this explains so much abt me too! :D :D

  2. not fruit...but a side dish for those fruits :D
    Yeah I know!
