Friday, April 16, 2010

Me,Mr.Bean and Dr.Albert Einstein

I think I  have a Mr.Bean's gene which gets turned on at very inappropriate times and when that happens I out do inspector clouseau from Pink panther in making a laughing stock of myself.

Today is one of those days on which people around me were destined to laugh their heads off and I was the chosen one by GOD to fulfill this for I have the so called very very special Mr.Bean gene.

So when I went around asking for SE charger ,a colleague asked me take it from her desk.I saw the charger plugged in with the switch on and I remembered one of those lessons granny taught me as a kid,"Dont ever pull off the plug and when switch is ON".Being the obedient grand daughter I am,I turned off switch and took the charger to my desk.

Five minutes later I have the colleague screaming on voip, 'Dude!Why did you turn off my system?! I dint save anything! Do you know how to restore data from notepad?'.

The other day I saw a switchboard in office with only one switch , in a very  humanly noticeable place and accessible place(which implies nothing disastrous could happen even if people like me start fidgeting with it) .Being the curious brain  that I am ,I wanted to know what the switch was for.But I dint want to look like a fool asking such silly questions to colleagues(Office decorum and all u c :P) .So I decided to turn it off and see the changes in time-space continuum and come up with an answer myself.I turned it off and the only difference and disturbance in the space  is the propagating sound waves(read as swear words) originating from a colleague behind me.

Apparently its him the Mr.Bean in me decided to take revenge on.Yes I switched off his system when he was in middle of fixing some critical issue :-|

I wouldn't be surprised if the HR passes a circular saying "Beware of people who go around turning off systems without any prior notice.Please bear with us till we have these people psychoanalyzed.Inconvenience highly  regretted "

By the way I also have an Einstein gene which has been dormant ever since I started breathing!

Speaking of  DORMANT genes,I also have a set of neurons which have been dormant for the last six years.I dont think they are ever going to get fired.I probably need a neuron transplantation (dont know if that can be done though) .

P.S:Went to IPL yesterday.It was like a test match,But I enjoyed irritating the friends by supporting the team they were against.And the fun part was the team I supported won
I tried very hard to not to act cool in this post .
Cool btw is being sarcastic and geeky :P(People who dint know this ,Please go out more  and update yourself  with latest trends*wink*)


  1. Five minutes later I have the colleague screaming on voip, 'Dude!Why did you turn off my system?! I dint save anything! Do you know how to restore data from notepad?'.
    really? is that wat he screamed? :D

  2. cant believe u forgot this episode...our dear co-kosu was da victim
