Thursday, April 8, 2010

Curious case of SG :-|

I grew up listening to my paternal grand father saying 'I am growing young' and seeing him hang out with teenagers.I always wanted to be like him, forever young at heart.

Most of my childhood and teenage was spent planning a career (Yes u heard it right! I planned my life till I turn 30 when i was 15),setting goals,achieving them.To cut it short,As an eight year old I had the thought process of a 40 year old.

But then I got Myopia.

Things changed. I stopped thinking beyond the moment and i liked the new me.I started becoming like my grand dad.

Gradually all those goals I have set for myself are gone and forgotten.

Now I have got a mind of 5 year old. All I can think of doing is reading blogs(read as cartoons) , playing caroms,eating good food. Yes I am growing young.

But suddenly I hate myself for this.

P.S: 'Be careful about what you wish for,you may receive it'. I got what I have wished for a major part of childhood, and I don't like it.
May be I should learn how to optimize my (im)maturity :-|


  1. Growing young is a good idea ,unless u dont have to carry school bags again..\

    Keep going,.

  2. Yeah Its good as long u r certain of ur direction and position :-|
