Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ladies Specialists

I saw a sign board in a very busy shop in T.Nagar saying

"Ladies Specialists

Delivery  in 2 hours"

I just couldn't make out why they would have such a thing in a textile shop.So I thought I should ask the aunt of mine for she has been around in this place for  a decade and a half  and a regular loyal visitor of this shop(and also age,wisdom,grey cells blah like that).

Me(to aunt,showing the signboard): Why do they have a maternity ward here and how come they sound so  confident about the 2 hour thing? Isnt there a lot of uncertainty involved there to come up with exact figures?

Aunt(Cursing Inheritance,eugenetics, and genetic defects**):You might want to stop looking at the board and see whats right below it !

On looking down,I saw a bunch of tailors working with jet speed to DELIVER dresses on time :-|

** This is an excuse i give to my aunt when I end up in such situations.I know my ancestors must be cursing me from their graves for this